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Tips on how to get the most out of the EMT Preparation Course.


Getting the most out of the EMT preparation course involves a combination of things.

1. Using effective study strategies

2. Active engagement with the material

3. Using all applicable resources

3. Asking yourself, “How can I apply this information?” 

4. Going back over the materials until you really “get it down,” that it, until you truly understand it. 

Here is a helpful approach to maximize your success:

  1. Understand the Course Structure: Familiarize yourself with the course structure. Look at the upcoming lessons so you will know what is coming next.  Knowing what to expect helps you focus your study efforts and prepare for what is next.

  2. Use the printouts: For each video lesson there are very high quality “PowerPoints” you can print out and follow during the video lesson. We highly recommend you print them out and take notes on the printouts while watching the lectures. By “reading, hearing, and writing” the information down MUCH more of it will go into your long-term memory for future use. 

  3. Remember your Goal: Your primary goal is to pass your EMT course the first time you take it so use the EMT preparation course to help ensure you thoroughly understand the fundamental information before EMT training actually begins. Keep this goal in mind to help keep you motivated.

  4. Be Organized: Set aside time each day to focus on the EMT Preparation course. Multiple short but intense sessions in the long run are far better than long “cram sessions.” 

  5. Active Engagement: Active Engagement is extremely important to learning and retaining what you learn. I explain this in detail in the “How To Study” lesson in the EMT Prep course. Follow those tips to help you acquire knowledge and then apply it.

  6. Utilize All Course Materials: Take advantage of the video lessons, practice exams, and the articles I have provided. Remember, your goal is not to simply pass the Prep course, you want to thoroughly understand the material and be able to explain what you have learned to someone else in such a way that they understand it too. That’s when you really know the material.

  7. Seek Feedback: Regularly assess your progress through practice tests. When you get a question correct, make sure you know “why” it is correct. When you get one wrong do the same. You don’t just want to pass the quiz, you want to thoroughly understand the material.


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